Přání k novému roku z Belgie

Z Belgie přišlo od našich přítelkyň toto krásné vánoční přání (anglicky a holandsky)

Dear Andrea, Nad’a and colleagues,

This first day of the year 2021 we send You all the best wishes of our team and of our other 90 embroiderers/collaborators/partners for this New Year.

We wish You a Happy New Year, good health and a lot of creativity.

We thank You all for Your friendly and artistic cooperation in the cultural-educational project about the 850-years-old love story of “Floire et Blancheflor” and his European vernacular versions.

We hope we can meet You  this year or in Prague of in ASSENEDE  : village of the 13th century Flemish poet Diederic van Assenede  author of the 750 years old Flemish poem “Floris ende Blancefloer”.

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